Sunday, January 3, 2010

I made a discovery while making tea in the morning.
I was making tea for the 4 of us and only my wife has tea without sugar. So, I made 4 cups of tea, all without sugar, poured out her cup and then added sugar to the remaining tea.
And that reminded me of of simple software programs I used to come across when I was the computer liaison officer in the Bank. It's like this:
p/q is a rational number, provided q is not zero. So, while doing anything with rational numbers, you remove the division by zero and then proceed.
While making tea, you remove the one cup without sugar and then add sugar. The exception gets priority! Smaller the exception, higher the priority.
That's logic.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy new year everybody.
I have informed nobody that I have started blogging. And I am sort of enjoying the non-existence! This is sort of like being in the city: in a village, they all know you, you are branded, every action of yours is interpreted in preset notions. In the city you are blessed with anonymity.
Of course this is different. I am just standing in the dark waiting some beam of light to fall on me. Most probably I shall get bored and then will announce myself!
Anyway, there are issues and issues I am itching to tackle. From tomorrow.